Psycho-social Rehabilitation
Provides members with supportive opportunities to enhance their social, interpersonal, vocational, and basic living skills with the goal of achieving maximum community integration.
Case Management
Provides coordination of necessary services as indicated on the member’s individualized service plan. Linkage is provided to services such as health care, psychiatric services, and vocational/ educational training. Advocacy is a key function of the program, as case managers strive to ensure an improvement in the individual’s quality of life while promoting autonomy.
FACT - Florida Assertive Community Treatment
In this program, services are delivered by a group of multidisciplinary mental health professionals who work as a team and provide the majority of the treatment, rehabilitation, and support services members need to achieve their goals. The approach is to emphasize relationship building and active involvement in assisting individuals with severe and persistent mental illness to make improvements in functioning, to better manage symptoms, to achieve individual goals, and maintain optimism. FACT services are individually tailored with each client and address the preferences in community locations to enable each client to find and live in their own residence and find and maintain work in community jobs rather than expecting the client to come to the program.
Community Employment Services
Assists members with job skill assessment, development, placement and coaching, work- site accommodations and supportive follow through services. Additionally, staff work with employers to ensure that their business needs are addressed and that the member is able to fulfill job duties.
Club Fellowship Clubhouse
Based on the International Center for Clubhouse Development (ICCD) International Standards for Clubhouse Programs. The clubhouse model is well- tested evidence- based recovery model that has been internationally proven to be highly effective. For more information, please visit Club Fellowship’s website at
Outpatient Services
Assists members in obtaining quality mental health treatment and therapeutic services. Services include: consultation and evaluation, assessment, treatment plan review, individual therapy, group therapy and family therapy.
Community Housing
Offers members continuum of residential settings ranging from supervised, transitional residential treatment to permanent supportive housing. Staff caters their support and service delivery to individual member needs and assists with skills associated with daily living, such as self-care skills and interpersonal communication.
FMT - Forensic Multidisciplinary Team
Provides a 24/7 comprehensive approach to divert members from involvement in the criminal justice system as well as form commitment to Forensic State Mental Health Treatment Facilities (SMHTFs) and other residential forensic programs by providing community-based services and supports. The FMT serves individuals in the pre and post-adjudicatory phases.
MRST - Multidisciplinary Re-entry Services Team
Provides re-entry transition services to individuals transitioning out of the criminal justice system with identified post-release mental health needs and/or co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders. Services include: assessment, case management and care coordination. These services provide aid in the individual transition to independence; enhance quality of life; reduce re-arrests and homelessness; and minimize or prevent recurrent, acute episodes of mental illness and subsequent psychiatric hospitalization.
Broward Mental Health Programs
Fellowship House operates the High Acuity Treatment Team (HATT), Forensic Services Team, and Jail Diversion Program in Broward County.
The High Acuity Treatment Team (HATT) provides a multidisciplinary approach to deliver comprehensive mental health care to individuals with mental illness while aiding the transitional process into long-term community-based services and supports. The program is comprised of a self-contained support team responsible for directly providing or coordinating the majority of their mental health treatment. HATT uses a community-based approach that provides services to participants where they live, work, or other preferred settings.
The Forensic Services Team serves individuals with a primary mental health diagnosis whose competence or capacity is a factor in the adjudication of their charges. The program is designed to provide care coordination, ensure linkage and provision of comprehensive community-based mental health services by Broward Community Service Providers. They also provide Competency Restoration Training to allow individuals to regain competency.
The Jail Diversion Program is designed to divert individuals with mental illness charged with non-violent felonies from the criminal justice system into comprehensive community-based treatment and support services. Participants in the felony diversion program are referred primarily from jail. Services include care coordination and peer support services to ensure the linkage and provision of community-based mental health resources.